The Sports Law Department brings together the necessary expertise for a better understanding and monitoring of the sector’s operators. The Department is headed by Eric Andrieu and Gauthier Moreuil.
For more than 30 years, we have been assisting : sports federations and associations, sports companies, sports infrastructure operators, sports agents, sports professional and sports event organizers.
Communication Law
Companies Law
Social Law
The Sport Department Team
Eric AndrieuA practicing lawyer since 1979, he has always worked for Péchenard & Associés. He became a partner in 1986.A practicing lawyer since 1979, he has always worked for Péchenard & Associés. He became a partner in 1986. He holds a postgraduate degree in Criminal Law and was, in 1983, elected « Secrétaire de la Conference ». He also holds certificates of specialization in Intellectual Property Law and Economic Law. He is a member of the publishing committees of Légicom and Légipresse.
Gauthier MoreuilAfter working as an in house counsel for several years, he joined Péchenard & Associés in 2002 and became a partner in 2009.After working as an in house counsel for several years, he joined Péchenard & Associés in 2002 and became a partner in 2009. He holds a postgraduate degree in International Business Law.
Clémence PicardLegal counsel for several years, she became a lawyer and joined Péchenard & Associés in 2023.Legal counsel for several years, she became a lawyer and joined Péchenard & Associés in 2023. She holds two Postgraduate degrees : Sports Law and Private Economic Law.