Lawyer since December 2023, he has been working for Péchenard & Associés since then.
Lawyer since December 2023, he has been working for Péchenard & Associés since then.
Lawyer since December 2021 she has been working for Péchenard & Associés since then.
A practicing lawyer since 2005, she joined Péchenard & Associés in 2006. She became a partner in 2017.
A practicing lawyer since 2001, Fabien has always worked for Péchenard & Associés of which he became a partner in 2009.
A practicing lawyer since 1979, he has always worked for Péchenard & Associés. He became a partner in 1986.
The communication and media law department is under the management of Eric Andrieu, Fabien Honorat and Caroline Mas and has been assisting hundreds of agencies and advertisers, television channels, websites, production companies, journalists and artists for over 40 years.